laGP - Local Approximate Gaussian Process Regression
Performs approximate GP regression for large computer experiments and spatial datasets. The approximation is based on finding small local designs for prediction (independently) at particular inputs. OpenMP and SNOW parallelization are supported for prediction over a vast out-of-sample testing set; GPU acceleration is also supported for an important subroutine. OpenMP and GPU features may require special compilation. An interface to lower-level (full) GP inference and prediction is provided. Wrapper routines for blackbox optimization under mixed equality and inequality constraints via an augmented Lagrangian scheme, and for large scale computer model calibration, are also provided. For details and tutorial, see Gramacy (2016 <doi:10.18637/jss.v072.i01>.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.47 score 8 stars 2 dependents 166 scripts 1.2k downloadsmaptree - Mapping, Pruning, and Graphing Tree Models
Functions with example data for graphing, pruning, and mapping models from hierarchical clustering, and classification and regression trees.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.39 score 15 dependents 132 scripts 2.1k downloadsdynaTree - Dynamic Trees for Learning and Design
Inference by sequential Monte Carlo for dynamic tree regression and classification models with hooks provided for sequential design and optimization, fully online learning with drift, variable selection, and sensitivity analysis of inputs. Illustrative examples from the original dynamic trees paper (Gramacy, Taddy & Polson (2011); <doi:10.1198/jasa.2011.ap09769>) are facilitated by demos in the package; see demo(package="dynaTree").
Last updated 7 months ago
1.66 score 2 stars 23 scripts 598 downloadsreglogit - Simulation-Based Regularized Logistic Regression
Regularized (polychotomous) logistic regression by Gibbs sampling. The package implements subtly different MCMC schemes with varying efficiency depending on the data type (binary v. binomial, say) and the desired estimator (regularized maximum likelihood, or Bayesian maximum a posteriori/posterior mean, etc.) through a unified interface. For details, see Gramacy & Polson (2012 <doi:10.1214/12-BA719>).
Last updated 2 years ago
1.00 score 4 scripts 298 downloads